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Nov. 26 Monday in Motion Recap: Keeping Active through the Cold

Question: Some people said that cold weather curbs their activity, do peoplel have ideas for keeping active out of the cold?

Responses: Jen commented that, “I like to tell myself that there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing choices. The ‘curbing’ of my activity always seems to surround my aversion to being cold, but I know that there are so many ways to avoid it!”  While the Facebook user ‘Diabetic Events’ noted, “We run outside when the weather isn’t too icy, snowy, or freezing outside. If the weather is too bitter, we head to the YMCA.” Instead of trekking out, Audrey said she “bought a bike trainer for my bike, so I can continue my biking training inside!” Mark agreed that he does the same and added that he swims during the winter… while also noting that he finds the best way to keep active in the winter is to “…meet up with other type 1’s at say YMCA Camp Pinecrest for a full blown weekend of activity! Now if only I could find a way to do that all winter long.”

Good one, Mark! If anyone is interested in seeing what Mark is referencing, check out our upcoming Winter Slipstream weekend.

Thanks again everyone for your responses! If you have any further ideas about how to keep active despite or outside of the cold let us know in the comments section..