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Join our Support Crew

Support Crew: Friends, family members, partners. A support system for people living with Type 1 diabetes.

There are moments in the life of a Support Crew where you wish with every bit of you that you could sincerely empathize with your diabetic loved one. Knowing that CIM has built such an encouraging and supportive platform for our diabetic counterparts has helped us 5.5ers breathe a little easier.

Support Crew Canoe Trip participant

Our Support Crew is an Active Part of Our Community

Support Crew are an important part of our community. The Type 1 community knows that no matter how hard we strive to live life without limits, it would never be possible without the love and support of our Support Crew Community. Whether you’re stashing our glucose tabs, meters, and extra insulin for us in your purse, patiently listening as we vent about BGs that just won’t come down, or putting up with the never-ending supply of empty juice boxes that seem to follow us around, what you do does not go unnoticed.

Looking for ways to get involved and support your loved ones (or maybe you don’t have any friends or family with diabetes, but still want to hang with the cool kids)? CIM offers many Support Crew-friendly events. Look for the special symbol (see below!) on our event promotions to find out which events are Support Crew friendly. We even offer a few adventure programs just for you! Look for our Support Crew tag on CIM event pages, or click here.

Our Support Crew also play a few other vital roles. CIMers (and people with Type 1 in general) often have a hard time convincing others to fundraise for something that directly benefits them. Sounds weird, doesn’t it? It’s challenging to ask people to support a cause that helps us live a limitless life because, well, it does just that. It helps us live without limits. From the outside, things don’t seem that hard. What is hard is talking about how hard life with diabetes is. Our Support Crew play a very key role in helping us to spread the word about what we do and why CIM programming is important. Consider hosting a fundraiser for CIM to show your loved one how much you care for them and support them. Or why not join Team CIM and fundraise in one of our running or adventure race programs? Learn more on this page: Donate

Believe it or not, people with Type 1 aren’t good at everything. In fact, we’ve noticed that we aren’t particularly good at asking for help. That presents a bit of a problem because there are TONS of things the CIM community DOES need help with. Check out the volunteer opportunities that exist and find a way to get involved. Have a skill that isn’t listed? Well, we probably didn’t know that we needed help with that. Let us know!