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Jan. 28: Who inspires you to do more?

This week’s question: Since peoples’ goals are often about challenging themselves in new ways, what has inspired you to try something new or push a little further this new year?

This past month’s Monday in Motion questions have all been related to people’s goals for 2013. You can check out the rest of the questions and responses here:
January 7th: What are your goals for keeping active in 2013?
January 14, 2013: How do people keep motivated and on track with their goals?
January 21, 2013: What have been your biggest obstacles so far?

Responses: Well, there was one big response with a whole lot of likes this time around… Specifically, Andy told a tale of what has come to inspire him most recently:

The other day I was driving and I got really lost, so I drove down a winding snowy road until I found a place to ask for directions. Turns out I had not only ended up in another country, but also at a spot with 50 other diabetics. Crazy, I know! Well, they were all amazingly inspiring with tales of triathlons, hiking peaks, canoe trips, finding old bread on [the] sidewalk, and just generally awesome stories and life experiences to share. They also had a boat load of ] that lows were prevented just by breathing in the sugary air. To say that this group inspire[d] me would only be the beginning sentence to a lengthy series of books. I’m not even sure what exactly I was inspired to do, but I feel like I have to keep doing something to not put this feeling to waste.

Virtue’s Take: An incredible coincidence! Seriously, though, there are people without diabetes that I admire and look up to… but there’s something about seeing someone else with diabetes accomplishing awesome things (big or small) that just makes me go, “Ya, I think I’d like to give that a try!” For me, that is part of the success of events like Winter Slipstream: I get to meet a whole lot of people like me, dealing with diabetes, but doing different and amazing things in the world… It makes me reflect on my own acheivements, but also forces me to consider other possibilities I would not otherwise. Ultimately, I walk away from these experiences with a broader undestanding of my own capabilities as a person with type 1 diabetes, and more challenging personal goals moving forward.

Who inspires you to do more and challenge yourself? Let us know in the comments section!

One Comment

  • CHRIS JARVIS AND THE CIM TEAM! I’ll never forget your visit to Kamloops B.C it was a blast and I a took a lot more than just good memories from the experience. My Diabetes has had its ups and downs, especially through my teens but right now I can proudly say its never been better other than when my fam was at the wheel when I was just a wee one haha now that Im on my own Ive really embraced it with confindence and strength, gotta love my support group though! Couldn’t do it without my team my loving boyfriend, parents, sisters, friends and the whole gang of diabuddies and diabadasses! Stay True – ShineTrue<3