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How the CN Tower Turned Blue WDD 2012…

By November 29, 2012The Log Book

When we heard how the CN Tower came to be blue for World Diabetes Day 2012 we knew we had to share this awesome story of friendship and support. Thanks to Slipstreamer Terrence for relaying how it happened and what this World Diabetes Day meant to him as a newly diagnosed type 1:

I have been close friends with Charlotte for over 10 years and since my diagnosis last November she has been an important part of my diabetes world as well. From the initial visit to the ER, to my first insulin shot and first low, Charlotte was there.

My diagnosis came two months before we were planning to summit Mt. Kilimanjaro and as there wasn’t much time before the climb, Charlotte had to learn everything about diabetes at the same time as me – in fact she is the one who taught me what glucagon was.

One week after our successful climb, I got involved with my first CIM event at Winter Slipstream. After that weekend I told Charlotte about the amazing experience I had and how supportive the group was to a “newbie” like me. Since that day, she has kept up to date with the latest diabetes news, and even started following CIM and Jen Hanson on Twitter before me.

Through social media, she found out about the World Diabetes Day “Blue Monument Challenge”, which aims to get as many monuments around the world to light up in blue on World Diabetes Day. Noticing that the CN Tower was not on the list, Charlotte contacted both the International Diabetes Federation in Belgium and the CN Tower to get the necessary approvals to have this Toronto landmark light up blue on November 14. All of this happened without me even knowing. I was in Greece for school, and only found out by an email forwarded to me with the final approval from the CN Tower lighting committee.

This year, World Diabetes Day coincided with my one year “diaversary” and after hearing what my friends were doing back at home to support me, I took some time and reflected on the past 12 months. From climbing Kilimanjaro, to qualifying for the Boston Marathon and the World Triathlon Championships, and then moving overseas for school, this year was one big roller coaster ride. Additionally, WDD represented a year of challenges and triumphs but most importantly reinforced how critical it is to have a positive support network through everything. And between my family, non-D friends and CIM, I have a great one!

Further awesome is that Charlotte’s dad went out to get these great shots of the CN Tower lit blue for WDD 2012!

CN Tower, Toronto CN Tower, TorontoCN Tower, Toronto

Thanks so much to Terrence, Charlotte, and her dad for being so awesome and sharing!