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April 1 Monday in Motion Recap: What training plans or tools have you found most helpful when getting started running?

The Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend event is fast approaching, so we thought we’d take this month to ask questions about training, running, and competition…

This week’s Monday in Motion Q: What training plans or tools have you found most helpful when getting started running?

Responses: Rebecca responded by saying, “I <3 10 and 1's! Running 10 minutes and then walking 1 minute has been the best way for me to get through some of the challenging training runs. I need to know that I only have to make it to the next walk break and not the next 15k!!"Virtue’s Take: The best bit of running advice (actually, excercise advice generally) I got from anyone was: do what you can and build from there. I think that’s why plans like up from there.

Also, if you have a smartphone, there are many apps available that can help you keep track of your workouts. I’ve only ever used RunKeeper, but if you do a search alternatives are pretty easy to find. They’re generally free to download, so you can give a few a try and stick with the one you like the best.

We only got one response this week, but I know there are a lot of runners in the CIM community… So, if you missed the question when it was posted to Facebook and Twitter on Monday, but have some ideas, feel free to leave them in the comment section below! We’d love to hear from you 🙂

And don’t forget to check out the profiles of the awesome people running with Team CIM at the Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend next month. You can find those here!