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Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend: Team CIM

Weekend Schedule:
Saturday, May 25, 2013- 5:00pm- Ottawa 5K Race
Saturday, May 25, 2013- 6:30pm- Ottawa 10K Race
Sunday, May 26, 2013- 7:00am- Ottawa Full Marathon
Sunday, May 26, 2013- 9:00am- Ottawa Half Marathon

We will be tweeting and posting about the races all weekend. To keep up, follow us on: Twitter, Instagram (either here or find us as @connectinmotion via the app), and/or Facebook!

If you are in the Ottawa area on Saturday, May 25th we have an official cheering station set up at McLeod & Queen Elizabeth, about 1km from the finish line. We welcome anyone looking to connect with other T1Ds to join us and help cheer on Team CIM!

You can scroll down and donate to individual runners, or donate to Team CIM by clicking here!

Ottawa 5K Participants

5pm EST, Saturday, May 25, 2013

Name: Shauna Adeland
Relation to Diabetes: I’ve had type 1 since 1985
How do you manage your diabetes?Medtronic insulin pump; CGM [continuous glucose monitor] as often as possible
What are your tips/tricks for training? 60 minutes prior to a run drop basal to 65%. test bs before run less than 5 (treat with 15 g carbs), over 5 hit the road – test after run and occasionally small baby bolus to stop post activity spike. This works now, the challenge with training, is that the magic recipe changes as your disctance and training moves forward.
Why are you running with Connected in Motion? On a daily basis, I see people from this community sharing their highs and lows of active and healthy type 1 living and am regularly inspired by it. Most importantly, when they share their frustrations about middle of the night lows, rage boluses, ripped out infusion sites and non-calibrating CGMs, I know that I am not alone and I find immense comfort in this gift. Essentially, CIM allows me to be a part of a community that provides me a platform to live a better life, maintain better A1C levels and connect with like minded individuals.
Interested in supporting Shauna’s fundraising efforts? Click here!

Name: Amy Burrows
Relation to diabetes: I’ve had diabetes for 25 years (come November.)
How do you manage your diabetes? I use a Medtronic insulin pump with the CGM whenever possible.
What are your tips/tricks for training? For training I find if I lower my basal rates (usually 30%) for about an hour, an hour and a half before I run, it works wonderfully! If my sugars are on the higher side: 10-13mmol/L I don’t alter anything, if they’re 13-15mmol/L I give my 60% of my correction and depending on how I feel, continue with my run. Anything higher I usually feel too gross to run so I’ll correct, then wait for them to come down and then proceed as aforementioned! Of course seeing that diabetes never acts the same any day….hour….minute… it doesn’t ALWAYS go as planned 😉
Why are you running with Connected in Motion? I’m running for team CIM because the organization is so dear to my heart! Anything I can do to support CIM and my fellow T1s I try to do! So excited for Ottawa!
Interested in supporting Amy’s fundraising efforts? Click here!

Name: Hilary Hanson
Relation to diabetes: My sister Jen Hanson has diabetes
Why are you running with Connected in Motion? I am running for the CIM team because I want to get in shape and support CIM, Jen, and all her wicked friends at CIM!! I love what she does!!


Name: Kirsten Otis
Relation to diabetes: I have type 1 diabetes… and it’s my 10-yr diaversary this May!! Part of why I’m doing this run, this year.
How do you manage your diabetes? I use a Medtronic insulin pump.
Why are you running with Connected in Motion? I’m running because Connected in Motion has changed my diabetes life. Without this group of wonderful, supportive people I don’t think I would have the courage to push myself to do something like running in a race, albeit a short one.
Interested in supporting Kirsten’s fundraising efforts? Click here!


Name: Brooke Pressey
Relation to diabetes: I have type 1 diabetes and I’ve had it for 9 years.
How do you manage your diabetes? I manage my diabetes with multiple daily injections.
What are your tips/tricks for training? I usually just drink a bottle of gatorade or powerade as I run.
Why are you running with Connected in Motion? I’m running for team CIM now because I see CIM as a community of which I am a part.
Interested in supporting Brooke’s fundraising efforts? Click here!


Name: Michael Stacenko
Relation to diabetes: My girlfriend, Brooke Pressey, has type 1 diabetes.
Why are you running with Connected in Motion? I’m running to support Brooke
Interested in supporting Michael’s fundraising efforts? Click here!


Ottawa 10K Participants

6:30pm EST, Saturday, May 25, 2013

Name: Stephanie Brodie
Relation to diabetes: I am a Type 1 Diabetic
How do you manage your diabetes? I have had diabetes for almost 8 years. I have been on the insulin pump for almost 2 years. Aside, from the pump, Exercise is my best source of glucose control. In combination with the right foods, and playing with my pump settings, I have learned what each type of exercise does to my sugars, and the settings on the pump help me to adapt to that. Temp Basals are a Diabetics best friend.
Why are you running with Connected in Motion? I am running for Team CIM because Connected in Motion has changed my life and made having Diabetes a positive thing in my life, so I try to do everything I can to raise money for them so they can stay around forever!
Interested in supporting Stephanie’s fundraising efforts? Click here!


Name: Mark Davis
Relation to diabetes: I have type 1 diabetes
How do you manage your diabetes? I am on a Medtronic pump
Why are you running with Connected in Motion?: I am running with both of my families this event: Diabetic and blood!


Name: Trevor Gardner
Relation to diabetes: I have type 1 diabetes. I was diagnosed on Sept 5, 1992… so that means as of March 5 2013 I’ve had diabetes for 20 years and six months (7,486 days!)
How do you manage your diabetes? I currently use multiple daily injections (MDI) to manage my diabetes.
What are your tips/tricks for training? The”standard” cut the basal insulin before activity by 30% works extremely well for me. I generally have an extra few carbs before I start and depending ont he length of the event I will carry some more carbs to keep me in that comfortable 7-10mmol/L range which I find the perfect range for any type of exercise. Carrying lots of extra fast-acting carbs is also a must-do!! Surprises happen all the time 😉
Why are your running with Connected in Motion? Spread the word! I actually met Sarah P [friend with type 1] WHILE running running the Scotiabank Toronto Half-Marathon… and she introduced herself because I was wearing my CIM shirt! It was the best introduction ever… at the 11km mark of a race!! Oh, and to help raise some money for an awesome charity. Oh, and because last year’s was so much fun!!
Interested in supporting Trevor’s fundraising efforts? Click here!

Name: Jen Hanson
Relation to diabetes: I have had Type 1 for 26 years – since I was three years old! Conveniently, all of my closest friends also have T1 or are 5.5er!
How do you manage your diabetes? I have been on a Medtronic pump for 13 years and started using CGM just over a year ago!
What are your tips/tricks for training? My biggest motivator is my training buddy, Amy Burrows! Having someone pushing me to get out there and train, as well as to go just that little bit further has been a life saver. It’s also been awesome to have my sister, Hilary, training for the 5k. Seeing her getting out and run every day is a good reminder to do the same!
Why are your running with Connected in Motion? I wouldn’t want to run with anyone else! I have looked into other running groups before, but have come to realize that it’s the support I feel when surrounded by my peers that drives me. The CIM community is so caring, supportive, and inspirational. I’m always excited to be a part of whatever is going on!
Interested in supporting Jen’s fundraising efforts? Click here!

Name: Erin Randall
Relation to diabetes: I am a 5.5er! Ever since my sister (and best friend) was diagnosed 27 years ago, diabetes has been a part of my life. It has led me to new experiences, life-long friendships, the love of my life, and a prospective career in diabetes education.
Why are your running with Connected in Motion? All of the people in my life living with diabetes have shown me to never let anything hold me back, so this year I am running for Team CIM in order to show my support and give back to all of my diabetic heroes!
Interested in supporting Erin’s fundraising efforts? Click here!


Name: Michelle Sorensen
Relation to diabetes: I am a Type 1
How do you manage your diabetes? I was diagnosed 14 years ago at age 24. I spent 2 years on MDI and have been on a pump ever since. I did use CGM for a little while, but am currently waiting for technology to get a bit easier before i use it again!
What are your tips/tricks for training? I generally have to reduce my basal rate before running, but on race days I tend to spike when my adrenaline kicks in. so I need to work on the right formula to be able to run on race day with a normal BG [blood glucose]!
Why are you running with Connected in Motion? I am running for team CIM because I love the organization, feel connected to other Type 1’s, and love the concept of supporting people living with Type 1. I have a lot of support in my life, but this type of support is unique, and I also know a lot of people feel more alone with their diabetes than I do. This organization is doing such important work!
Insterested in supporting Michelle’s fundraising efforts? Click here!

Name: Heather Wideman
Relation to diabetes: I am a 5.5er, but my friend and co-worker Amy Burrows has type one.
Why are you running with Connected in Motion? To help support type one diabetics and because I think it’s an awsome organization!
Insterested in supporting Heather’s fundraising efforts? Click here!


Ottawa Half Marathon Participants

9am EST, Sunday, May 26, 2013

Name:Luke Cameron
Relation to diabetes: I would say I have a pretty good relationship with Diabetes, except when I get into the chocolate chip cookies, those darn cookies put a strain on the relationship… I have been diabetic for 22 years, 4 months, give or take.
How do you manage your diabetes? I have been on the Medtronic Veo pump since January 11, 2011. MDI before that.
What are your tips/tricks for training? When I am training I lower my basal about 90 minutes before the workout. Depending on what the workout consists of, I cut my basal by 35 to 45% of the normal rate. I am on the temp basal for 5 hours in total. I also use a reduced basal for the next morning following a workout from 6 am to 10 am. I was having decent low sugars during this time. I also will have 20 to 30 carbs about 10 minutes before I begin my workout.
Why are you running with Connected in Motion? I have been apart of CIM for about 15 months now. In those 15 months, I have accomplished so much that I never dreamed about. I have been able to grow as an individual, push my comfort zone, and discover what it means to live a happy life. I have received strength, encouragement, compassion, inspiration, friendship, and love from this great community that is Connected In Motion. I know that I will never be asked to repay any of these gifts that I have received, but I want to. Will I be able to give back to Connected In Motion what I have gotten from it? The answer is a simple “No”. But I am never going to stop trying. If someone can look at me and see the changes that I have been able to accomplish through Connected In Motion, maybe they will be able to see that they are capable of the same successes that I have had. That’s why I am running for Team CIM.
Interested in supporting Luke’s fundraising efforts? Click here!

Name: Katie De Vos
Relation to diabetes: Both of my sibling are type 1 diabetics
Why are you running with Connected in Motion? Both of my siblings work closely with Connected in Motion, and have found an adult community of support with their diabetes. I want to support them and others with diabetes.


Name: Anne Marie Hospod
Relation to diabetes: Type 1 for 25 years
How do you manage your diabetes? MDI (Humalog and Lantus), Exercise, Support system, Positive attitude
What are your tips/tricks for training? Test often, learn trends, always have glucose/dex on hand.


Name: Stephen
Relation to diabetes: I’m a 5.5 and have a common-law relationship with type 1, as I’ve lived with someone with type 1 for the last 12 years.
Why are you running with Connected in Motion? I see first hand the benefit that being part of a community like CIM provides to my other half, it has allowed her to push new boundaries and get her outside of her comfort zone, while providing her tools and tricks to better manage her diabetes. That’s why I’m proud to wear my CIM shirt as part of this years Ottawa Race Weekend running my first half marathon.


Name: Jennifer Stiglitz
Relation to diabetes: I am a type 1 diabetic. This is my 23rd year living with type 1 diabetes. I was diagnosed at age 9.
How do you manage your diabetes? I managed diabetes with multiple daily injections until 2010, at which time I switched to a Medtronic insulin pump. I also use the CGM system which comes in handy for endurance sports.
What are your tips/tricks for training with diabetes? My favorite trick for managing blood glucose during training is the temporary basal reduction feature on my pump.
Why are your running with Connected in Motion? I first met members of the CIM team at last years Ottawa race weekend, and I quickly realized what a great group it was. I’m running for team CIM this year to support a great cause while taking in smiles, laughter, and fun with other like-minded people. I’m hoping to get support & inspiration, while giving support & inspiration that will help with diabetes management while we all complete great running goals.
Interested in supporting Jennifer’s fundraising efforts? Click here!


Ottawa Full Marathon Participants

7am EST, Sunday, May 26, 2013

Name: Marco Bianchi
Relation to diabetes: I have had Type 1 diabetes for over 33 years.
How do you manage your diabetes? I was diagnosed at age 15, in the days that glucose meters did not exist. I’ve evolved my treatment through all methods. Now, I’m on insulin pump infusion.