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April 29th Monday in Motion Recap: What foods keep you going?

Since we’re gearing up for the Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend with Team CIM, we’re taking this month to look at running, training, and competition with diabetes. Last week we asked what people what exercises they did in addition to running. To review those responses, click here!

This week’s Monday in Motion question: What are your go to foods for exercise? What keeps your blood glucose up for a long run? Or provides the best pick-me-up when you’re out and hit a low?

Responses: There were a couple of responses this week. Andy said, “Clif bars! They are one of the densest carbohydrate bars out there, and cheaper than other brands. For those early ! They are one of the densest carbohydrate bars out there, and cheaper than other brands. For those early into the exercise lows, I use the Gatorade Prime pouches. They are essentially concentrated Gatorade, which comes in a tiny pouch that fits in a jersey pocket or running belt, and has 30g carbs. For cycling, I usually keep one bottle filled with juice or soda too, and sip on that as needed. I carry multiple Dex4 tubes as well, but rely on those only as a last resort.” While, Jen responded “I LOVE Shot Bloks by Clif Bar for when I’m low! So delicious and easy to eat!”

What’s your favourite foods for long adventures? What’s your go to food for treating lows while out? Let us know in the comments section!