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At Virtual Slipstream, you’ll have the chance to learn what users are saying about Control-IQ technology! The team at Tandem Diabetes Care will be providing several opportunities to learn. AND with the Wednesday March 24th announcement that Control-IQ updates were ready to go in Canada, this is the perfect time to check the sessions out!

Read on to learn what we expect you’ll walk away with from these sessions.  

Disclaimer: Please check out CIM’s Partners Page to learn more about the companies we work with. This post was delivered as part of an annual sponsorship package with our partner, but our partners do not review the content before publication and we strive to bring accurate and helpful information to the T1D online community. We still thought this info was important for you to know about.

The world of diabetes tech is moving at a pace we’ve never seen before. Many folks who use a t:slim X2 pump in Canada have been sitting on the edge of their seats waiting for the software rollout, since its November 23, 2020 approval. The rumour of a rollout around ‘mid-March’ seemed to prove true as we saw its launch announced on March 24, 2021. This is perfect timing for Slipstreamers, as it means we’ll have a mix of folks who have done their update, as well folks who are interested in learning more from those who have tested the water to share their stories at our April event. 

There are two Tandem Diabetes Care sessions we wanted to put on your radar (along with a few sessions that are being hosted by Tandem supported speakers – more on that below): 

Control-IQ-Technology in the Real World

Join us for an overview of Tandem Diabetes Care’s advanced hybrid closed loop system, now available in Canada. You’ll have the chance to submit questions to be answered, and chat directly with community member Evelyn Riddell who recently updated her t:slim X2 pump software.

Date/Time: Saturday April 24th, 2021 at 1:30pm ET
Type: Presentation

Presented by Lorraine Anderson, Regional Clinical Manager with Tandem Diabetes Care, RD, CDE and Evelyn Riddell, History & Canadian Studies Student and Control-IQ user

Product Showcase: t:slim X2 pump with Control-IQ-Technology

Continue the real-world discussion with community member Evelyn Riddell. Hosted by Lorraine Anderson of Tandem Diabetes Care, you’ll have the chance to submit questions to be answered and chat directly with Evelyn about her recent experience updating her t:slim X2 pump with Control-IQ technology and first few months using the system.

Date/Time: Saturday April 24th, 2021 at 2:45pm ET
Type: Presentation

Presented by Lorraine Anderson, Regional Clinical Manager with Tandem Diabetes Care, RD, CDE and Evelyn Riddell, History & Canadian Studies Student and Control-IQ user.

To register, sign up for Virtual Slipstream, here, and follow the instructions in your confirmation email. 

Now, if you are reading this as one of our US friends, you’re probably wondering what the community is so excited about north of the border. We’re sometimes a little bit slower to have technology migrate here for a plethora of reasons (sometimes related to bilingualism – Canada has two official languages, sometimes related to Health Canada rigours, other times related to the fact that Canada’s entire population is still smaller than that of California). The community has been watching the rollout of Tandem’s Control-iQ in the US since it’s FDA approval in December 2019 and as is just starting to get its hands on the tech in Canada. 

Joining us at Virtual Slipstream will be Tandem Diabetes Care Canada’s Regional Clinical Manager, Lorraine Anderson. You may remember Lorraine from past Virtual Slipstream sessions such as Tips and Tricks for Diabetes Management and The Future of Diabetes Technology. You may also have crossed paths with Lorraine at an in-person Ontario Slipstream over the years. Lorraine has been involved in Slipstreams since their inception back in 2008! In fact, you may have heard the Slipstream story about the CDE who convinced Chloe to “do something about it” when faced with a lack of diabetes community here in Toronto. Yep. That was Lorraine! Not only is Lorraine a long time contributor to the Type 1 diabetes community, but she wears a t:slim pump herself and has been using Control-IQ for a number of months. 

Also joining us will be Evelyn Riddell. Evie has been involved in CIM programs in the past, sharing her experiences transitioning from pediatric to adult care with families at Friends for LIfe Canada in 2019 and sharing with Health Care Providers the first-hand, lived experiences of someone with T1D. Evelyn has been wearing a t:slim since its launch in Canada and, by the time Virtual Slipstream rolls around, will have a few months of Control-IQ use under her belt. 

Any new diabetes technology comes with its fair share of learning. There are a few things that we expect to take away from Tandem Diabetes Care’s sessions at Virtual Slipstream: 

How Control-IQ Technology Works

If you’re already a t:slim user, you may be familiar with Basal-IQ, the technology that temporarily suspends insulin delivery on the t:slim, based on readings from the Dexcom G6 sensor, to help avoid lows. Control-IQ now includes technology to help avoid high BGs as well. During these sessions, you’ll have the chance to learn the ins and outs of how the systems work and the major differences, as well as an overview of how the Control-IQ algorithm works. 

User Experiences & Tips and Tricks

At CIM, we really value hearing personal experiences. We know that diabetes management does not have any one-size-fits-all solution and that in order to help people find options that truly work for them, connecting with others in the community is a necessity. During these sessions, you’ll have the chance to ask Qs to people who have been using Control-IQ to find out how the system may work for you and your lifestyle. 

Remote Software Update Process

You’ll have the chance to learn about Tandem Diabetes Care’s remote software updates via the Tandem Device Updater and the steps a user needs to take to update their in-warranty t:slim pump. 

We are also lucky to have two other Tandem supported speakers joining us at Virtual Slipstream. We are excited for both of these sessions and suggest you check them out, but get registered early – due to the nature of these sessions, there is a cap on the total number of people who can participate: 

Real Talk: Candid conversations about complications

Diabetes complications – they’re often the confusing, guilt-inducing elephant in the room. They’re the thing that no one wants to talk about. But discussions about complications should not be dominated by shame and blame. Join Kerri Sparling for a group chat about changing the way we talk about complications and how to deal with them.

Date/Time: Saturday April 24th, 2021 11:30am ET
Type: Breakout

Moderated by Kerri Sparling, Author & Writer

Antifragile Diabetes: How to get strong and save yourself from zombies

Join us in a conversation about T1D and unexpected life events (zombies?) and the ways in which people with T1D can prepare themselves to thrive when faced with unforeseen future events.

Date/Time: Sunday April 25th, 2021 1:30pm ET
Type: Workshop

Facilitated by Peter Nerothin, PhD student

If you’re interested in a general Control-IQ overview, you can check out our blog post, here

Virtual Slipstream is Connected in Motion’s peer-led community event happening April 22-25, 2021.

Interested in joining in on this session? First, register for the event, then follow the instructions in your confirmation email to select your individual sessions. 

Learn More and Register for Virtual Slipstream 2021
Responsible Use of Control-IQ Technology
Even with advanced systems such as the t:slim X2 insulin pump with Control-IQ technology, you are still responsible for actively managing your diabetes. Control-IQ technology does not prevent all high and low blood glucose events. The system is designed to help reduce glucose variability, but it requires your accurate input of information, such as meals and periods of sleep or exercise. Control-IQ technology will not function as intended unless you use all system components, including your CGM, infusion sets and pump cartridges, as instructed. Importantly, the system cannot adjust your insulin dosing if the pump is not receiving CGM readings. Since there are situations and emergencies that the system may not be capable of identifying or addressing, always pay attention to your symptoms and treat according to your healthcare provider’s recommendations.
RX ONLY. The t:slim X2 insulin pump with Control-IQ technology is indicated for patients with type 1 diabetes, 6 years and older. BOXED WARNING: Control-IQ technology should not be used by people under age 6, or who use less than 10 units of insulin/day, or who weigh less than 25 kg. For full safety information, visit