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March 25th Monday in Motion Recap: This week’s Monday in Motion question: If you could dream up the ideal diabetes related app what would it look like?

Since we’re exploring questions about diabetes tech throughout the month of March, last week we asked about favourite diabetes apps.

This week’s Monday in Motion question: If you could dream up the ideal diabetes related app, what would it include? What would it look like?

Responses: Not much chatter this week, with one reply posted. Jen said: “I think my ideal app would need to have SO many customizable features. I need to be able to tell it exactly what is going on to explain a BG. For example, I don’t want just a general tag of ‘exercise’ and ’45 carbs’ – I want to be able to tell it that I went for a 5k run and that I ate a way through. I’d also definitely want to be able to set my own ranges and to have it sync automatically to my pump to show my basal rates and temp basal rates.”

Virtue’s Take: I’m curious to know why people didn’t have more to say on the topic of apps. Is it that people don’t find them helpful in their current form and have lost interest? Or, do they seem like they would not be helpful in keeping track of information? Personally, I find, like Jen, that the apps currently available lack customization, and lack integration with current tools.

Got some ideas of what you’d like to see in a diabetes app? Let us know in the comments!