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April 15th Monday in Motion Recap: The hurdles of training

Since we’re gearing up for the Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend with Team CIM, we’re taking this month to look at running, training, and competition with diabetes. Last week we asked how competition/race day affects their blood glucose levels. To review those responses, click here!

This week’s Monday in Motion Q: When preparing for a race or competition, what are your biggest hurdles to keeping up with training?

Responses: Several people noted that the biggest hurdles they face in training is keeping motivated. Additionally, Hank noted, “Motivation… And avoiding injury from over training which usually leads to a decline in the former.” Amy echoed this sentiment in describing how motivation could be an issue, but that shin splints had also been a problem. Jen said that she too also experiences a lack of motivation at times, but that she relies on having a running partner that helps get her out the door on days that she is not so keen.

In terms of getting outside to train, Twitter user for them.

Finally, Shauna talked about how she finds the shift in her insulin needs when she adds more mileage to her run frustrating. She said, “I find it a challenge when increasing my distance to keep having to tweak the insulin regime to keep pace with the training. I’ll find the sweet spot with basal reduction and intake and then the next week it doesn’t work.”

Virtue’s Take: Ugh, keeping up with motivation. Here’s some things I’ve heard helpful:

  • If you’re planning to go to the gym or out for a run in the morning, lay your gear out the night before.
  • Once you get yourself into your workout/running gear you’re much more likely to take the next step of getting going. So, if you’re planning on going to exercise after work, put your workout clothes on as soon as you get home.
  • Get yourself an exercise buddy. It’s harder to back out if you feel like you’re doing it not just for yourself, but a friend too.
  • I’m personally not above building in rewards for getting work done!